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Default Keybinds

The compositors comes ships with a number of built-in commands. By default, these commands are bound to preset keybinds, but the user may change them to whatever they want. These commands may be overridden more than once and will respond to multiple key combinations as a result. Defining at least one override disables the default action.

The default commands defined in the compositor are described in this table:

Name Description Keybind
terminal Opens a new terminal ❖ Super + Enter
request_vertical Requests that the current window layout future windows vertially ❖ Super + v
request_horizontal Requests that the current window layout future windows horizontaly ❖ Super + h
select_up Select the window above currently selected window ❖ Super + ↑
select_down Select the window above currently selected window ❖ Super + ↓
select_left Select the window above currently selected window ❖ Super + ←
select_right Select the window above currently selected window ❖ Super + →
move_up Move the currently selected window upwards ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + ↑
move_down Move the currently selected window downwards ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + ↓
move_left Move the currently selected window to the left ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + ←
move_right Move the currently selected window to the right ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + →
toggle_resize Toggle resize mode on the active window ❖ Super + r
resize_up When resize mode is toggled on, this will decrease the size of the window vertically ❖ Super + ↑ (only in resize mode)
resize_down When resize mode is toggled on, this will increase the size of the window vertically ❖ Super + ↓ (only in resize mode)
resize_left When resize mode is toggled on, this will decrease the size of the window horizontally ❖ Super + ← (only in resize mode)
resize_down When resize mode is toggled on, this will increase the size of the window horizontally ❖ Super + → (only in resize mode)
fullscreen Fullscreen the currently selected window ❖ Super + f
quit_active_window Close the currently selected window ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + Q
quit_compostior Exit the compositor ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + E
select_workspace_[0-9] Select the workspace between 0-9 ❖ Super + [0-9]
select_workspace_[0-9] Move the currently selected window to the workspace between 0-9 ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + [0-9]
toggle_floating Toggle whether or not the currently selected window is floating ❖ Super + Space
toggle_pinned_to_workspace Toggle whether a floating window is pinned outside of a workspace or not ❖ Super + ⇧ Shift + P
toggle_tabbing Toggle whether or not the currently selected container is in a tabbed layout mode ❖ Super + W




A list of:

# The name of the action that you want to override (taken from the list above)
- name: string

# The key action that will trigger the default action
 - action: "up" | "down" | "repeat" | "modifiers"

# A list of modifiers that need to accompany the action for the command to happen
- modifiers: Modifier[]

# Name of the keycode that the action should respond to.
# See
# for the list of available keycodes (e.g. KEY_ENTER, KEY_Z, etc.)
- key: KeyCodeName

A Modifier is defined as one of the following names:

Name Description
primary the key defined by the Action Key
alt Any alt key
alt_left The left alt key only
alt_right The right alt key only
shift Any shift key
shift_left The left shift key only
shift_right The right shift key only
ctrl Any ctrl key
ctrl_left The left ctrl key only
ctrl_right The right ctrl key only
meta The super or windows key
meta_left The left super or windows key only
meta_right The right super or windows key only
sym The sym key
function The fn key
caps_lock The caps lock key
num_lock The num lock key
scroll_lock The scroll lock key


# ~/.config/miracle-wm.yaml

  - name: terminal        # Override the "terminal" keybind to execute with "Ctrl + Shift + Enter"
    action: down
      - ctrl
      - shift
    key: KEY_ENTER